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Join for FREE Traffic Exchange

Started by Mike Taylor, Aug 02, 2024, 12:02 PM

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Mike Taylor

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TESurfers Auto Surf is online from the City of Philadelphia PA, U.S.A. is an Auto Surf Traffic Exchange Networking Site. It is own and operated by Mike Taylor and Family from online. We make it easy and affordable for you to join and use our Traffic Exchange surfing for leisure/fun, business/advertising or promotion of your Websites and 468x60 size Banners for unlimited exposure and desired results. We provide a strong, powerful and reliable Traffic Exchange that is ideal for Online Auto Surfers like you.
How Auto Surf Traffic Exchange works:

Visitors to our Website are invited to join for free and then upgrade to Pro Membership. After registration, each Member must confirm his/her Membership via email verification. Then the Member can log-in to see the Members Area Information, add/submit websites, and such alike. The advertising of 468x60 Banners is a separate procedure. See the "Advertise Banners" link. Each Member can personally get "the power of reciprocal visits with our platform. For every site you visit, you'll receive a visitor to your own link. Enjoy unlimited free visits daily." All verified Members must participate in agreement with our Website Terms and Rules.

Our Members Benefits include:

Autosurf with our stable Custom Autosurf Bar.
Easy Autosurf Timer for Free and Pro Members.
Free Members surf & earn 0.5 Credits per view.

Get Free Autosurf Credits on Account Sign-up.
Get extra Autosurf Credits for every new Referral.
When applicable, earn cash via PayPal Payout.

Quick instant delivery of all PayPal purchases.
Upgraded Pro Members receive greater benefits.
Participate in regular Contests for great prizes.

We have more benefits. Log-In to see & access.
Join. Surf. Participate. Earn. Benefit. Advertise.

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